TourAudio TWG radio guides in an big project of the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow and the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture Print

A unique project “Entering the city – 2012” was held in Moscow from September to December 2012. The objective of this project was to help residents of Moscow rediscover Moscow and fall in love again with their city. The project was organized by the Department of Cultural Heritage of Moscow and the All-Russian Society for the Protection of Monuments of History and Culture.

Here is a video presentation of the "Entering the city – 2012" project.


The uniqueness of the project is in its scope. Over 2000 free tours were conducted during the project, visiting over 250 historical and cultural places of the city. Over 65,000 Moscow residents took part in these tours.

A total of 25 TourAudio TWG radio guide system sets were used in these tours enabling the simultaneous servicing of up to 700 tour members.